Friday, June 28, 2013

Growing old together

A waltz with the government officials: That was what my day's schedule was screaming out loud at me.

I was apprehensive. But helpless as I was, I geared up to do the unavoidable.

I was given a token and was asked to await my turn. 

In the packed to the corner room full of people awaiting their turn I found myself a seat after searching for a while.

I sat besides a very dignified looking old couple. 

I was most apologetic to disturb them as I made my way to the vacant seat but they smiled most kindly at me.

Much to my distress they were quite amused at my clumsiness.

The old lady asked me, if this was my first time. An affirmative. I told her this was my first indeed. She said theirs is a fourth time renewal. I was quite intrigued.

They are veterans, eh! Not just of life but of so much more than that: handling government officials!


The lady continued to talk to me, in impeccable English, though she too is a Bengali.

She asked me about myself, my qualification, if I have ever been abroad.

She told me about herself, her children's over accomplishment, followed by those of her grandchildren's! 

Quite frankly, I did not care about her family.

I was by far most humbled by her own self to really care about anything beyond her and her husband.

Such a dignified old couple.

In this sea of people they knew they were not alone. 

The old spouse.

They were sometimes talking to each other, helping each other with dialing a number on a fairly updated cell-phone.

The muted undertone of love, quiet understanding, and faith that was radiating from them was almost tangible.

I, with my shaken belief in all things related to the heart, sat there in amazement. 

Gazing at them I could feel something in me rejuvenating. Quietly being fortified.

I realised I was being far too dreamy to really pay attention to what the kind lady was telling me.

It turned out that in a span of barely 15 minutes she was sharing with me where in the world she has been to.

England, the USA, most parts of Europe, you name it.

What struck me though was something very unusual that came from her.

"There's one place I really want to go to," she said with a bright twinkle in her bespectacled eyes.


"I have never been to Israel and now that I am so old, I might not live to go see Israel".

I told her that she is still strong, and has warm desire in her heart, she can surely try and give it a shot.

She smiled back warmly at me. Knowingly.

Then came the man who was accompanying them, to do their paper-work.

It was their turn. 

The old couple helped each other get up and they slowly walked down the aisle to the array of counters.

The warm smile they passed at me before leaving, I shall never forget.

It was a smile of hope.

Of selfless love and good wishes.

I know I shall never see them again. But their smiling, loving faces will forever remain with me.

As a reminder of all that is good in this world.

Yes, despite what most people tell me everyday, I know my faith in selfless love and inherent goodness of human being stands reinstated.

Lesson learnt: Growing old together is probably the best thing on this planet

Also I learnt, a trip to a government office is not always a bad thing!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Suljha denge uljhe rishton ka manjha

Tonight I write after a very long break

The reason

 I was reminded very recently, "No better ink for your pen than real pain"

No I am not drowning in pain

I write tonight to let the overflowing stream of thoughts to finally trickle out

This is a unique phase in my life

Done with my degree

What have I learnt from my 2 years of Delhi School of Economics?

Economics, yes

But much more than just that

I have learnt how to cope with failure

At every step of my post graduation, I have faced failure

Failure shamelessly stood in front of me

Academic career, professional career and personal alike

I have failed

Time and again

But I have fought

Lost a few battles, but in the end won the war

"jeet kabhi, haar kabhi/
gham to yaaro honge do pal k mehmaan"

Fighting each day, with the biggest of my fears: the fear of failure, I trudged along

And finally I completed the journey

I have changed

I am not afraid of failure anymore

I have fought with failure for too long to really be afraid of it anymore

If failure laughs at me, I have learnt to get up and laugh back

Silently in my laughter echoes the determination in me to overcome

Be it the fight to score higher or get a good job, I lost out to failure many times

But in the end I did not let failure win

Yes, both academically and professionally I have won

But still remains a bigger war

The personal front is strewn with failure too

And I have lost far too many battles on this front

But this is a war that spans a whole lifetime

One cannot say if failure will have the final laughter or not

But now when I relive the memories in my mind I know I fight harder every time

I am a warrior

I know all my life I will wage this war

When I drive down the road where I first held hands, or go for swimming in the pool where I first spent entire evenings dreaming of a rosy future or take a bus ride alone in the city looking outside the window like the I first time when smiled at the sky glowing with warmth and happiness, I feel like a different person

I relive memories, but I am a voyeur in my head, an eavesdropper to my old conversations

I tell failure, "Test me as much as you like, but know I will only grow stronger each time"

I have made mistakes

I have learnt from them and struck back harder

The first time I disgraced myself by being weak willed

But I learnt

Learnt what a graceful exit means

Learnt the importance of dignity

Learnt how to not break promises

Learnt how to remain silent

Learnt to tell the truth

Learnt to be brutally honest

Learnt to let go

Every time a new piece of knowledge helped me fight failure better

But yet again, I failed

"There is a lot more to learn", says failure to me, "I will teach you. Be patient."

I am patient

Because I know, failure, now my teacher, will not fail me.


"Suljha denge, uljhe rishto ka manjha"