Sunday, March 12, 2017


There is something about a haircut.

With the locks; a lot of our baggages also get cut off when we get a haircut.

It's absolutely nothing extraordinary.

But when we do sit under the scissors, and close our eyes we give into the unknown.

We give control to someone else.

The chopping sound.

The sharp blades right next to your jugular vein.

One mistake and you are in trouble.

It is the moment of complete submission.

The fear of uncertainty, the prospect of a better outcome all come rushing from within us.

We challenge ourselves to find the courage within to fight the demons within.

We embrace a change.

The change emboldens us.

It reminds us of what we are capable of.

And we go back.

To face the demon lurking outside.

That boss who refuses to value us.

That code we have not been able to crack.

That decaying relationship we have not been able to come out of.

We feel lighter.

We, suddenly, can handle it all.

There is something about a haircut.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Fearless Girl

When the world was busy celebrating the Fearless Girl bronze statue right in front of the Bull at the Wall Street, she was busy facing her bull too.

The bull that had no business being polite or respectful.

The bull who called out that he gets to decide everything that happens.

A dictator by his conduct.

Trying to tell her that there's nothing personal but it's "strictly business" .

Initially, she was shocked.

She could not believe what just happened.

She thought she was in an environment, where the basic fabric of the community is made up of mutual respect and cooperation.

Honest yet polite communication.

But no.

There came one charging bull.

A bull she had not seen before.




For a moment she broke down.

Thoroughly shaken to the core.

Then she remembered that it was never going to be easy.

That she will not be the victim.

She reminded herself of the Fearless Girl - staring straight at The Bull on the Wall Street

And she decided to call a spade a spade.

She squared her shoulders.

She lift up her chin.


She spoke up.

She ensured that she was heard.

She knew full well that there would be consequences.

But she was not afraid.

Not intimidated.

She would face all the consequences of her choice to escalate.

She owned it all up.

But come what may, she decided to not get bullied by the charging bull that she exposed.

She would stand her own ground and face the mad bull.

Because she knew she was right.

Because the Fearless Girl in her refused to cower down in front of the wrong.

Because the Fearless Girl was supposed to inspire many more like her.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


The last she travelled was in July.

Her birthday trip with family to Udaipur, Rajasthan.

It's  been a very long while that she has not travelled.

Work and health has kept her off the roads.

But the longing is overwhelming now.

How she dwells on her previous trips.

While the whole world is busy making merry, she's waiting.

Her wait just never seems to get over.

Oh 2016, what beautiful things you have shown her.

But how cruelly you have made her a prisoner for the past few months.

Can't we just fast forward and move on to the future?

She muses but of course she knows that cannot be it.

So till the time, time travel isn't as convenient as booking an Uber, it's best to bide her time.

Patiently waiting for the better days to arrive.

Days she knows when she will travel again.